Well Taya turned The Big 2 on May 23. She wasn't the happiest of campers considering she had Rosyola and had a fever. Poor little girl, but she was a good sport and we still had her birthday party. Thanks to everyone that came and enjoyed the day with us!

We had the Zimmerman Family vacation the end of May...and I took the camera, but I am horrible at taking pictures, so I will post some as soon as I get some from Bri. :)

My cousin Alan married Kelsie on June 6th in the Manti Temple. We were so grateful to be able to be there and experience this great time in their lives! Boy were the kids being so good... Thanks Nanny, Poppy, Aunt Dem, and Uncle Eric for watching them.

Tarasha!! Hey girl! I was excited to see your blog on the BHS website. How have you been!?
Tarasha hey it's Jenny Tomlinson now Spencer but oh my gosh i've been wanting to get a hold of you. You have to check out my blog. It's spencerfamilyblog.blogspot.com. I can't wait to hear from you. Your family is adorable.
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