Friday, March 20, 2009

Kiya is 3 Months Old

Wow, where has the time gone? I can't believe Kiya is now 3 months old. She is doing great! She is smiling so much more, and loves to tell stories. She loves to sleep on her Daddy's chest and he loves holding her! She is blowing bubbles and is such a little drooler. She loves sucking her fists and loves clenching her thumbs inside her hands. She is so alert and loves just looking around. She also loves looking at Taya, and tells her so many stories too. I forgot how fun it was having a newborn!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kiya's Blessing

What a perfect day! We decided to have Kiya's blessing at our house due to it still being RSV season. Shane did such a great job, and wow was the spirit felt! Thanks to everyone that could come and support us, and to everyone who wished they could be there.
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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Eskimo Kisses

When Taya was younger we would always do "noses" or eskimo kisses and so she decided to do it with Kiya. She did it all on her own. It was so cute!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kiya is 2 Months old

WoW...Does time fly by! I can't believe it...Kiya is now two months old. She now knows how to work the system. By that I mean, she knows if she cries hard enough, she will get picked up and get the attention she wants. It just amazes me how early in life they learn that. Anyways, she is just so cute! She loves looking at faces, and her neck is getting so strong! She can hold her head up for quite awhile. She also loves looking at bright lights, and is starting to find her fist. It has been quite an adjustment for Taya having a baby sister...but she sure loves her baby sister. She always tells me "I love my baby sister soooo much."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

VaLeNtInEs DaY

Happy Valentines Day! It is so fun dressing up the girls in cute Valentines outfits. Taya has a heart in her hair (which I am definately proud of), but I forgot to get a picture of it. Oh Well...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pictures for Nanny

So I needed to get some pictures of my moms grandkids, and Bri has my moms fourth in her tummy, who will be here before we know it....and we can't wait to meet him!
Taya and Brody, just love kissing and holding baby Kiya! They are at the age where they fight over toys...but now they are fighting over who gets to hold is cute watching them!

What Taya Loves

Reading books to her babies...
Dressing up like Cinderella, and dancing

Monday, January 26, 2009

A few cute pics

Here are just a few pics of Taya and Kiya wearing pink and brown. I just love little girls in pink and brown...especially mine! I know I know, her bow is as big as her head...but isn't it so cute!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kiya is 1 Month Old

Kiya is officially one month old today. What a joy she has been! She is such a good baby, she only cries when she is hungry...well screams. She is 6lbs 5ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. We only had to have her on the oxygen at home for a week. Taya had a hard time at first when we brought her home, but she is warming up to her baby sister. She loves giving her kisses and always wants to hold her. She is such a great helper, and loves to watch whenever she is getting changed or having her bath. We are so lucky to have her in our family! What a sweet spirit she brings to our home!